Although beavers are incredibly rare inside homes, they can still be a huge pain outside near bodies of water on your property. The most common issue when it comes to these large rodents' damage is the downed trees they are responsible for, in order to create their dams. Despite the downed trees, beavers actually play an important role in the expansion of wetlands. Call our Columbus office today for help removing beavers today, or contact us HERE


  • Beaver problems in ColumbusGenerally, beavers require bodies of water in order to survive, as they provide security and food sources for the animal. As a result, beavers dam rivers in order to stop water flow.
  • If you want to keep specific trees and vegetation safe, we recommend you surround the base of these plants with wire mesh, which successfully deters beavers from gnawing.
  • A common way professionals will get rid of beavers is to trap them.

Common Beaver Problems

  • Beavers don't stray too far away from water sources, because they're pivotal to the rodent's survival.
  • Properties in close proximity to bodies of water, like lakes, rivers, and ponds, are at most risk of beaver infestation.
  • Although beavers only affect property near sources of water, the damage caused by beaver dams can affect entire communities.
  • In addition to felled trees and other plant damage, beaver damming can induce flooding and present real problems for area residents.
  • Do not attempt to touch beavers, because, like most wild animals, they tend bite when threatened.
  • If you are concerned about flooding, immediately contact professionals who have access to unique and effective solutions, including water-level control devices.

Full-Service Beaver Removal

Trapping is best conducted by the wildlife professionals found at Critter Control. Having dealt with beaver problems in the past, our professional technicians have the knowledge and removal tools at their disposal. Professional beaver removal, if done properly, can prevent future issues and eliminate the dangers of both personal and animal injury.

We can help you get rid of beaver problems. Call today.

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​Generally, beavers require bodies of water in order to survive, as they provide security and food sources for the animal. As a result, beavers dam rivers in order to stop water flow.
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